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Sankshipta Garud Puranank - Hard Cover Book (Hindi) 1189

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Concise Garuda Purana Author—The presiding deity of this Purana is Lord Vishnu. It describes various worldly and otherworldly fruits of actions such as knowledge, devotion, renunciation, virtuous conduct, and selfless deeds like sacrifices, charity, austerity, and pilgrimage, to engage everyone in auspicious activities. Additionally, it...
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Sankshipta Garud Puranank - Hard Cover Book (Hindi) 1189Sankshipta Garud Puranank - Hard Cover Book (Hindi) 1189Sankshipta Garud Puranank - Hard Cover Book (Hindi) 1189

Concise Garuda Purana Author—The presiding deity of this Purana is Lord Vishnu. It describes various worldly and otherworldly fruits of actions such as knowledge, devotion, renunciation, virtuous conduct, and selfless deeds like sacrifices, charity, austerity, and pilgrimage, to engage everyone in auspicious activities. Additionally, it includes descriptions of subjects like Ayurveda, ethics, and elaborates on the actions performed at the end of a person’s life for the welfare of the soul.

संक्षिप्त गरुडपुराण ग्रन्थाकार—इस पुराणके अधिष्ठ ातृ देव भगवान् विष्णु हैं। इसमें ज्ञान, भक्ति, वैराग्य, सदाचार, निष्काम कर्मकी महिमाके साथ यज्ञ, दान, तप, तीर्थ आदि शुभ कर्मोंमें सर्व साधारणको प्रवृत्त करनेके लिये अनेक लौकिक एवं पारलौकिक फलोंका वर्णन किया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें आयुर्वेद, नीतिसार आदि विषयोंका वर्णन और जीवात्माके कल्याणके लिये मृत जीवके अन्तिम समयमें किये जानेवाले कर्मोंका विस्तारसे निरूपण किया गया है।

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