Energized Chandra Yantra/चन्द्र यंत्र: Moon Yantra is also known as Chandra Yantra in Vedic Jyotish and it is generally used to reduce the negative effects of the Moon in a horoscope which means that when Moon is working negatively in a horoscope and it is causing some specific problems or it is forming some Dosh in the horoscope, Moon Yantra is used as a remedy in such a case to reduce the negativity as well as the bad effects given by Moon in the horoscope.
This Yantra will help you to acquire a great mental balance and peace. This Yantra will energize your powers and strengthen you from within. If you place this Yantra inside your temple, you could very well be happy and satisfied. The Yantra is mostly embossed on a copper plate which will have silver lining attached predicting the colour of moon.
This particular Yantra is usually used for profits in money related matters and it is believed that a properly blessed Chandra Yantra will bring on gains that are quite huge. It is said that the Yantra enhances the person’s life and will bring about changes in his/her lifestyle by gaining luxuries. Wealth, precious items such as gold, silver and gems all come under the effect of the moon and therefore wearing the Chandra Yantra gives the person an upper hand on gaining all these materials. -Energized Chandra Yantra.
It is not only material gains that this Yantra is related with. The Yantra is also said to bring about happiness and contentment. The person who wears this Yantra is said to lead a much happier and contented life thus changing ones outlook towards life. Moreover this Yantra is also known to govern ones love life and can change it dramatically. This however requires the moon to be representing ones love life. Energized Chandra Yantra is believed that if it be the case then the person will have a very romantic and joyful love life.
The Chandra Yantra is capable of producing positive results only when it has been purified and energized with the help of proper Vedic procedures known to pundits who expertise in this field. The energization of the Yantra is done by reciting certain Mantras which in turn is stored in the Yantra. An effective Chandra Yantra is to be energized by at least 11000 chants of the Beej mantra or Veda mantras; else the Yantra cannot produce the desired effect. -Energized Chandra Yantra.
Benefits of Energized Chandra Yantra:
- This Yantra is used for profits in money related matters.
- It is believed that a properly blessed Chandra Yantra will bring on gains that are quite huge. It is said that the Yantra enhances the person’s life and will bring about changes in his/her lifestyle by gaining luxuries.
- Wealth, precious items such as gold, silver and gems all come under the effect of the moon and therefore wearing the Chandra Yantra gives the person an upper hand on gaining all these materials.
- The Yantra is said to bring about happiness and contentment.
- The person who wears this Yantra is said to lead a much happier and contented life.
- This changes ones outlook towards life.
- This Yantra is also known to govern ones love life and can change it dramatically.
- This however requires the moon to be representing ones love life.
- It is believed that if it be the case then the person will have a very romantic and joyful love life.