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Sri Vishnu Puran - Hard Copy Book (Hindi) 48

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Author of Shri Vishnu Puran – Shri Parashar Rishi-Pranit, this Puran is very important. Its representative is Lord Vishnu, who is the original cause of the universe, eternal, inexhaustible, indestructible and monotonous. In this, there is a detailed description of the size of the sky...
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Sri Vishnu Puran - Hard Copy Book (Hindi) 48Sri Vishnu Puran - Hard Copy Book (Hindi) 48Sri Vishnu Puran - Hard Copy Book (Hindi) 48

Author of Shri Vishnu Puran – Shri Parashar Rishi-Pranit, this Puran is very important. Its representative is Lord Vishnu, who is the original cause of the universe, eternal, inexhaustible, indestructible and monotonous. In this, there is a detailed description of the size of the sky etc., the size of the ocean, the sun etc., the mountains, the origin of the deities, Manvantar, divisions of the Kalpa, the entire religion and the character of the gods and kings. Despite Lord Vishnu being dominant, this Purana is a proponent of the inseparable nature of Vishnu and Shiva.

श्रीविष्णुपुराण ग्रन्थाकार—श्रीपराशर ऋषि-प्रणीत यह पुराण अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण है। इसके प्रतिपाद्य भगवान् विष्णु हैं, जो सृष्टिïके आदिकारण, नित्य, अक्षय, अव्यय तथा एकरस हैं। इसमें आकाश आदि भूतोंका परिमाण, समुद्र, सूर्य आदिका परिमाण, पर्वत, देवतादिकी उत्पत्ति, मन्वन्तर, कल्प-विभाग, सम्पूर्ण धर्म एवं देवॢष तथा राजॢषयोंके चरित्रका विशद वर्णन है। भगवान् विष्णु-प्रधान होनेके बाद भी यह पुराण विष्णु और शिवके अभिन्नताका प्रतिपादक है।

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